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Coffee Eliminate Pain due to Achieve

Written By bos blog on Selasa, 28 Juni 2011 | 07.58

If you want to be free from pain due to exhaustion or fatigue after exercise, drink a cup of coffee.
A new study shows that coffee reduces pain due to fatigue did not care that someone has a habit of drinking coffee or not. Similarly, China's official news agency reported, Xinhua said on Wednesday (fourth).

Professor of public health and kinesiology at the University of Illinois Robert Motl says, "Caffeine works on one system in the brain and spinal cord that is involved in processing pain. And because caffeine blocking adenosine, a chemical that plays an important role in energy transfer and if exercise, caffeine can reduce the pain. "
The researcher, a former bicycle racer, divided 25 healthy college students into two distinctive groups.
In one group there are men who consume caffeine every day is very low to none, and the other group includes people with an average consumption of 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, equal to three to four cups of coffee.
After completing the initial exercise test in the laboratory using a stationary bike in order to ensure maximal oxygen consumption or aerobic energy, research objects return to sports activity for 30 minutes with a high intensity that is monitored.
One hour before each activity, the bike-rider who had been instructed not to consume caffeine during the 24 hours previously-given one pill.

On one occasion, pill-sized dose of caffeine it contains 5 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, or equal to two or three cups of coffee, and on other occasions they were given a replacement.

During the second period of exercise, the object of vision research on pain of a four-part muscle at the front of the thigh are recorded with a gap remains, along with data on oxygen consumption, heart rate, and share activities.

"What we're witnessing is something we do not think," said Motl. "People who do not consume caffeine and are used to consume it have the same level of pain reduction during exercise after they consume caffeine," he said.
The results of these studies are detailed in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, published by April.

Authors of the study include Steven P Broglio of the University of Illinois and Sigurbjorn A Arngrimsson of the Center for Sport and Health Sciences, Iceland University of Education.
07.58 | 0 komentar | Read More

Favorites their personality and Coffee

Of the types of coffee like someone is also characteristic of his personality. What and how the characters tell the coffee drinker?

1. Instant coffee
Everywhere is sold instant coffee. All it takes is for menyeduhnya hot water, stir and drink immediately. There are already mixed with milk, there are also pure coffee. Fans of this coffee type normally want everything fast and quickly, without much effort. Sometimes sacrifice quality for lost time. Could be, the first woman who likes a direct "shot" to be a girlfriend just met a week though.
2. Non-caffeine coffee
Everyone knows coffee contains caffeine which could endanger health, but often denied by the coffee mania. For those who like the smell of coffee but the fear of caffeine, there is a kind of drink called non-caffeine coffee (decaf). Fans of the drink is very concerned with health issues. Very selective in choosing healthful foods or beverages only. He is also afraid of taking risks that could harm him.

3. Ground coffee
Some like to drink coffee directly from coffee beans are ground fresh. Sold in supermarkets and shops of this kind of fresh coffee. However, if the he had a coffee grinding equipment at home, meaning she likes to grind your own coffee beans. That is, he always wanted to do everything alone, very independent, and does not depend on anyone. Could also be interpreted, he does not easily trust people.

4. Espresso
This type of coffee is very strong and very dark because it is made directly from coffee beans with very little water content. Known for espresso cafes and restaurants within a short time menghidangkannya in small glasses. This is thanks to the technology of espresso machines from Italy. Fans of the type of coffee is like a great experience, hard, and challenging. Though fond of dangerous things like driving a car at high speed. They are also usually very creative. On the other hand, they are very demanding, both in himself, nor anyone around him.

5. Cappuccino
Cappuccino is espresso plus milk mixture, served in large glasses. The combination of espresso and milk gives a brown color similar to the clothes of the Capuchin monks, then called a cappuccino. Enthusiasts of this type include those who relaxed in the face of anything. Do not want to be rushed, although in the end everything can be dibereskannya. Life for her as enjoying a cappuccino, light but still delicious.

6. Coffee blend
Nowadays a lot of coffee mixed with various ingredients to produce different flavors. There was coffee mixed with caramel syrup, plus cinnamon powder, or added mocha. This type of coffee enthusiasts do not like things that are considered reasonable by many people. Wanted to look and think different. With him, one is never bored, because he was always finding new things to do.

7. Irish coffee
There is one type of coffee that is very hard, the Irish coffee (Irish coffee). Hard because alcohol is mixed. Coffee and alcohol have contradictory effects. Coffee makes people literate and activate awareness, while alcohol makes unconscious mind. Fans of this drink have any ideas, thoughts, and sometimes opposite properties. In one time, he can look happy, and for a moment and then sad.

8. Instant coffee
Brewed coffee powder with the waste, sometimes without sugar, and drink while the waste is still floating. Fans of this coffee like everything natural, and intolerant of lies. No matter how bitter the truth, he will receive.
07.57 | 0 komentar | Read More

Venue SEA Games XXVI di Jakarta Selesai Agustus

Bersama Palembang, Jakarta akan menjadi tuan rumah penyelenggaraan event SEA Games XXVI pada 11-22 November mendatang. Pemprov DKI memastikan semua venue yang baru dibangun atau direnovasi di Ibukota dipastikan rampung pada bulan Agustus.

"Insya Allah, saya optimis Agustus semua venue sudah rampung karena sebelum dibuat pertandingan tentunya akan dilakukan ujicoba," ujar Wakil Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Prijanto, di Venue Velodrome, Jakarta Timur, Selasa (28/6/2011).

Pernyataan itu dilontarkan Prijanto setelah hari ini mengunjungi sejumlah venue yang disiapkan di Jakarta, antara lain cabang olahraga bowling, layar, BMX, dan Veldrome. Peninjauan itu sendiri dilakukan Prijanto bersama Kadisorda DKI Ratiyono dan Wakil Dinas Perhubungan Riza Hasyim.

"Jadi kunjungan saya ini untuk mengecek sejauh mana pekerjaan di lapangan dilakukan setelah proses lelang dan pemenangnya diumumkan," katanya.

Dari 20 venue yang akan digunakan untuk 24 cabang pertandingan memang belum rampung 100%. Namun, semua jadwal pengerjaan telah sesuai yang direncanakan.

"Kesimpulannya, pada posisi yang sesuai rencana, tidak ada yang terlambat. Maka itu saya lakukan kunjungn ini untuk meyakinkan pekerjaan sudah dimulai," imbuh Prijanto.

Terkait masalah keamanan, Prijanto memastikan Pemprov DKI akan berkoordinasi dengan Polda Metro Jaya dan Ditlantas Polda Metro.

"Secara keseluruhan DKI siap dan tidak molor dari jadwal. Masalah keamanan dan kamtibmasn ada ditangan Polda, yang akan membantu gubernur. Jadi kemacetan jangan terlampau dirisauakan pak polisi sudah punya ilmunya," ungkapnya.

Secara keseluruhan, untuk membangun dan memperbaiki venue ini telah dikucurkan dana dari APBN sebesar Rp 70 miliar dan dari APBD sebesar Rp 5 miliar.

Dari 20 venue tersebut, anggaran terbesar diberikan untuk renovasi Veldrome di kawasan Rawamangun, tempat dilaksanakannya cabang olahraga balap sepeda sebesar Rp 13,517 miliar.
07.52 | 0 komentar | Read More

Philosophy Coffee and Tea

NOT forever coffee is evil. Inside there are the benefits of good cup of coffee. Researchers at Harvard found that coffee drinkers have a lower risk of diabetes, both of which contain caffeine or dekafein.

Caffeine contained in coffee helps increase metabolism so it can burn more. Moreover, these drinks also was able to reduce appetite up to 35 percent and makes people exercise the spirit. However, coffee consumption should be no more than two cups per day because caffeine can increase heart rate two-fold. Should drink black coffee because of the dangerous precisely sugar that usually accompany the coffee.

Healthy drink green tea is also recommended. Benefits of green tea can increase fat burning and helps block fat intake when taken before meals. Green tea also helps neutralize the effects of free radicals in the body due to sports. So, where do you choose?...
06.47 | 0 komentar | Read More

Many Reasons to Drink Coffee

Coffee is the favorite drink of many people. Starting from the roadside stalls to five star hotels provide the drinks taste and aroma of this delicious. Caffeine content in coffee are believed to evoke the freshness and fitness. But on the other hand, many people are still afraid to drink coffee because of health reasons.


To answer the controversy to date various studies continue to be done to determine the efficacy and benefits of coffee for the body. As one of the world's major exporter of coffee, coffee from Indonesia famous high quality. Plus other reasons below, unfortunately it seems if you have to skip a cup of coffee.

Against obesity
People who drink coffee are often unknown their weight is stable for 12 years compared with those who stop drinking coffee. Similarly, according to research by a team from the Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, USA.

Pep up
Drinking coffee was interrupted by the time work could actually help us stay fit and concentrate. Research shows that athletes who consumed beverages containing caffeine carbohydrates after cycling have more glycogen (energy reserves) in the muscle when compared to athletes who do not eat. Glycogen will help us more quickly and agile in the next session.

Reducing the risk of disease
Adding coffee consumption according to research The National Institute of Environmental Medicine in Sweden, we can avoid the risk of liver cancer. Just two cups of coffee per day and the risk of cancer will be reduced 43 percent. Another study showed women who drank coffee reduced the risk of heart attack 24 percent. Antioxidants are found in coffee supposedly protect us from these diseases.

A study reported in the Journal of Nutrition says teenage girls who frequently drank coffee daily the risk of breast cancer was reduced 40 percent. Polipenhol caffeine content in coffee and protect the body against breast cancer.

Help memory
Researchers from the Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria, said that caffeine could prevent memory loss. Drinking a cup of coffee before an important meeting with clients probably worth a shot to memory and a sharper brain.

Break the ice
Have to deal with difficult people cooperative? take her a cup of coffee. Caffeine makes people more open, according to a report published in European Journal of Social Psychology. Researchers reveal the caffeine stimulates cognitive functions so that people will be more open and respectively.
06.43 | 0 komentar | Read More

How many coffee cups you drink in a day?

How many cups of coffee you enjoy every day? If you are in the category of drinks big fan of intense black, 5 cups may be the minimum that you have. Is this safe limits to save you from health problems?

The answer, that number is in fact not safe for health restrictions. From a study conducted on 259 women, nearly half of respondents each day, consuming more than 4 cups of coffee. This amount was referring to incontinence.

Bladder incontinence is a disorder caused by the muscles of the bladder and urethra wall can not manage the expenditure of urine. That is, those who experience these conditions will be wet all the time.

Lily A. Arya, MD, head of research at the University of Pennsylvania explains that excessive caffeine intake damage the muscles of the bladder permanently. Not only that, excessive caffeine also heightens the risk of Alzheimer's.

But is not coffee also has antioxidants? Therefore, it took the calculations each time sipping coffee from the rim. Ideally safe caffeine enters the body is 200-300 mg per day. This amount is equal to 2-3 cups. From now on, takarlah your coffee properly.
06.41 | 0 komentar | Read More

Start the Day with Organic Coffee

Good news! A study from the University of Madrid found that drinking up to 6 cups of coffee per day will not cause premature death. Indeed, this could reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer.

Therefore, it is better if we start the day by sipping organic coffee and drink it back in the middle of her activities. In addition to delicious, organic coffee has long been an option this is the best and safest type to be consumed. The reason? Inside the womb there are no chemicals and pesticides or other hazardous materials.

For more details, get used to examine the organic certification on the packaging label. Fun local option, select Gayo coffee. The coffee comes from the land of the archipelago has been crowned as the best organic coffee in the world.
06.39 | 0 komentar | Read More
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